RegenPRP for tendinopathies

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The rationale behind the clinical use of PRP is based on the ability of platelets to release in an orchestrated manner supra-physiological levels of essential growth factors and cytokines from their alpha granules. This provides regenerative stimuli that accelerates and promotes tissue repair (Wu et al., 2016), by increasing the recruitment, proliferation and differentiation of the cells involved in tissue regeneration.

The pathogenesis of tendinopathy implies inefficient healing of the tendon after mechanical load-induced damage. Tendons are avascular and have poor regenerative capacity. Thus, they are slow to heal and may not regain their biomechanical properties leaving them prone to re-injury. While some tendinopathy treatment approaches aim at stimulating the healing processes through generating inflammation or small wounds (prolotherapy, tenotomy), PRP presents a less “aggressive” alternative with quite interesting results.

Our Speaker

Prof Armin Keshmiri, 

Specialist in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Chirotherapy (Germany)


I) RegenPRP for tendinopathies
(Mr Gomri, Biologist, 5 min)
A compilation of clinical evidence, cases and testimonies with the use of a standardized PRP in tendinopathies.

II) Prof Armin Keshmiri expertise in the use of RegenPRP in tendinopathies
(Prof. Armin Keshmiri, 25 min)
A track-record expertise in using Cellular Matrix for OA management.

III) Q/A session (15 min)


Standardized Platelet-Rich Plasma for Musculoskeletal Disorders

For professionals involved in the management of patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders