RegenPRP, a standardized platelet-rich plasma for skin management

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Due to its ability to induce collagen synthesis by dermal fibroblasts, Platelet Rich Plasma has been proposed as a promising treatment option in the field of skin care (Abuaf et al. 2016, Cho et al. 2010, Cho et al. 2012, Kim et al. 2011). For a few years, it is successfully used in numerous dermal applications, including alopecia, scar revision (keloid or traumatic scars), acne scars, stretch marks, skin rejuvenation (overall improvement in skin texture and firmness) and dermal augmentation.

On another hand, combination of PRP and hyaluronic acid (HA) is also used in the field of skin care for intra-dermal injections, for the hydration of dehydrated and wrinkled skin. It has also been shown that this combination with HA prolong the effects of PRP, thereby improving skin tone and quality (Hersant et al. 2017, chapter 4).

Our Speaker

Dr Sandrine Grept-Locher, 

M.D. Internal Medicine Specialist


I) RegenPRP, a standardized platelet-rich plasma for skin management
(Mr Gomri, Biologist, 5 min)
A compilation of clinical evidence, cases and testimonies with the use of a standardized PRP in skin management.

II) Dr Sandrine Grept-Locher expertise in the use of RegenPRP and Cellular Matrix in skin management
(Dr Sandrine Grept-Locher 25 min)
A track-record expertise in using RegenPRP and Cellular Matrix in many indications (acne scars, skin aging etc… ).

III) Q/A session (15min)


RegenPRP®: Standardized Platelet Rich Plasma for Skin, Hair & Genitourinary Disorders

For professionals involved in the management of patients suffering from skin, hair, and genitourinary disorders.