There is great interest in using PRP for the treatment of alopecia due to the low risk of side effects and the need for less frequent application than current treatments. However, despite promising results in clinical trials, a standard protocol regarding the dose, frequency and depth of injection to be used has not yet emerged. This has been impeded due to the myriad of PRP preparations and procedures being used which makes interpretation and comparisons between studies difficult. Moreover, the etiology of alopecia is complex, and treatment may need to be adapted depending on the stage of the disease.
Thus, there is an urgent need for the standardization of PRP preparations and the design of appropriate clinical trials with the necessary controls to evaluate the efficacy of PRP for treatment of hair loss. Nonetheless, despite these limitations, a recent systematic review concluded that PRP has demonstrated clinical efficacy and recommends 3 to 4 monthly sessions for the treatment of alopecia (Hesseler and Shyam, 2020). Regen Lab has initiated studies using the standardized RegenPRP in collaboration with Dr Jerry Shapiro, NYU Langone, USA, with the results from the first study published in 2020 (Shapiro et al., 2020).
Our Speaker

I) Gold book: RegenPRP, a standardized platelet-rich plasma for Alopecia management
(Mr Gomri, Biologist, 5 min)
A compilation of clinical evidence, cases and testimonies with the use of a standardized PRP in alopecia.
II) Dr Bruce Reith expertise in the use of RegenPRP and Cellular Matrix in Alopecia
(Dr Bruce Reith, 25 min)
A track-record expertise in using RegenPRP in Alopecia.
III) Q/A session (15min)

RegenPRP®: Standardized Platelet Rich Plasma for Skin, Hair & Genitourinary Disorders
For professionals involved in the management of patients suffering from skin, hair, and genitourinary disorders.