The use of PRP-HA in oral surgery & in various periodontal applications (Dental)

Home/Winter webinar 2022/The use of PRP-HA in oral surgery & in various periodontal applications (Dental)
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Correcting a qualitative or quantitative reduction in the bone bed before implantation can greatly improve the implant outcome. In addition to the gold standard of autologous bone grafting, the bone substitute materials currently available for this purpose can be subdivided into  allogenic, xenogenic and alloplastic materials. 

Developments in the field of synthetic BSMs (Bone Substitute Materials) are constantly changing, and the selection of appropriate materials depends on the indication, availability and the individual treatment plan. The common goal of these BSMs is to achieve stable, long-term anchorage of the implants in the bone. 

A knowledge of the advantages and limitations of their principal properties in respect of osteoconductionosteoinduction and osteogenesis, and the adequate selection, based on this knowledge, can ensure high-quality, evidence-based treatment.

This webinar is part of a new program of weekly webinars, focused on various therapeutic areas in regenerative medicine. Topics will include dermal, orthopedic, and urogenital subjects from near-mature treatments like knee osteoarthritis, to up-trending topics, such as post-menopausal woman sexual health and male erectile dysfunction. << Consult the full program >>

Our Speakers

Prof. Ralf Smeets, MD, DDS, PhD (Germany)

Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

  • Vice Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Head of Division of Regenerative Orofacial Medicine
  • Head of Research; Heisenberg Professor for Regenerative Orofacial Medicine (DFG)

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf – Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (Germany)

Sarah Berndt, PhD (CH)

Geneva University Hospitals


During this webinar, we will consider the latest research & clinical results highlighting the benefits of HA+PRP combination therapy in various dental applications. The discussion will focus on in-vitro research on the beneficial effects on certain cell types, and also in-vivo results for TMJ and other periodontal treatments.

Thanks to his innovative visions, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralf Smeets/University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf, Vice Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Head of Division of Regenerative Orofacial Medicine will again present a lot of exciting approaches from science and practice. The focus will be on hard and soft tissue regeneration. Prof. Dr. Smeets will also give you a first idea of his approach on modern perioperative management.


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