The BioBridge Foundation was created with the objective of promoting scientific research in Regenerative Medicine, in particular cell therapies.

The Biobridge Foundation allows to gather a network of health professionals on a regular basis during BioBridge International Conferences taking place worldwide or during educational and training events.

The Foundation also liaises with the general public through the creation and sponsorship of cultural and scientific events with the goal is to educate and provide continuing education on PRP treatment. The BioBridge Foundation is Regen Lab’s educational partner.

BioBridge Knowledge Platform

The BioBridge Knowledge Platform is an online platform built for education in the field of PRP and cell therapy. It mainly contains recordings of scientific lectures, webinars and workshops offered by BioBridge worldwide. Furthermore, it enables the exchange with other users.
Access to this platform is available to Regen Lab customers via an authentication code, which can be obtained from your sales representative.

BioBridge Congress and Conference

The BioBridge Foundation regularly organizes congresses and conferences on the topic of PRP and its possible applications. PRP experts from various countries present the latest results of their research and applications in everyday practice, they share their knowledge and many years of experience. It also offers the possibility of personal exchange of experience with other users.

BioBridge Workshops and Webinars

Whether in the context of congresses or as separate conferences, on-site or online, the BioBridge Foundation regularly offers lectures and workshops on PRP therapy.
These usually include general information on PRP, an explanation of the separating gel technology and its benefits, a part related to the possible uses of PRP and its evidence, and a hands-on part.

BioBridge Books

Standardization of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Cell Therapy
This book (178 pages) was written to help professionals involved in regenerative medicine better understand PRP and the use of cell therapies.

Standardized Platelet-Rich Plasma for Musculoskeletal Disorders
This book (179 pages) was written to help professionals involved in the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal disorders to better understand PRP and its combination with hyaluronic acid.

RegenPRP®: Standardized Platelet Rich Plasma for Skin, Hair & Genitourinary Disorders
This book (211 pages) was written to help professionals involved in the management of patients suffering from skin, hair and genitourinary disorders to better understand the use of PRP and cell therapies.

Based on 20 years of experience, these three books are intended for physicians practicing and conducting research in disciplines where PRP is a therapeutic option, as well as anyone seeking reliable and up-to-date information about this technology.