The purpose of the study is to investigate the effectiveness and safety of PRP injections in patients with androgenetic hair loss.
Methods will involve 50 women and men age 18-65 who have androgenetic alopecia. Two areas of the scalp will be targeted. One area will receive PRP obtained from Regenlab kits and Regenlab centrifuge.
The other area on the opposite side of the scalp will receive placebo (saline). This will be a double blinded split scalp study. All syringes will be covered so the patient nor the injector knows what is being injected. Hair counts and hair diameters will be performed using the folliscope which is a device that has the software to calculate these parameters. Patients will be treated monthly for six months. Hair quantitation will be performed at baseline and every visit. This study is projected to start at the beginning of August. Ethics review approval from NYU has been obtained.
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