Technique and feasibility of A-PRP in total-knee replacement (TKR) and HA-BCT as non-operative treatment for osteoarthritis (OA).

In TKR 4 tubes each of Regen Lab A-BCT and autologous thrombin are activated with Ca-gluconate during hardening of bone-cement. The jellylike product is applicated in the dorsal and superior recesses. For HA-BCT 1 tube per joint is applicated at day 0, 6 weeks and 6 months.

In TKR the use of A-PRP is part of a package of measures to reduce perioperative pain including pain catheters, intraoperative injection with Bupivacaine/Epinephrine, low-pressure tourniquet and the use of a plasma-cutter instead of a scalpel. In Germany non-operative treatment of osteoarthritis is en-vogue. Indications are mild OA, severe OA as “last chance“, reduction of pain during waiting for surgery and patients in no condition for surgery.

The use of Regen Lab A-BCT and Cellular Matrix ® HA-BCT is an important addendum to the Orthopaedic armory.