We began to work with PRP in 2008 in a 800 beds German Hospital , in a station for plastic and aesthetic
surgery. Of course, the regeneration is a way for us to restore the tissue biological structure and biological
functions, avoid complications as infections, and reduce procedures.
After analyse, the best compromise, for material quality, easy preparation, almost without blood, health
ministry agreement and price, it was decided to work with the company REGEN LAB, from Switzerland.
One of the first applications was veins’ ulcers and diabetic healing process for the orthopaedic surgery service.
A certain amount of patients, with bad evolution of the classics therapies, got the Prp as second therapy.
Studying the Platelet effects , we reminded their different rules, pro inflammation, antibiotic, against
inflammation in a secondary time, regeneration, and remodelling at least.
Of course , the medical world have many solutions to care those patients diseases, but the PRP and PRF
therapies are giving a very easy way, for the patients, decreasing the pains , fighting against infections without
antibiotic, and with easy bandages to do, giving the possibility to go back home without risk.
Therefore that method must be done with a very good supply to prepare the PRP and PRF; we must look after
our preparation, and our application.
Injecting the PRP in the wound and covering it with the PRF gives the best way.
The therapy is done the first day, injected PRP in the wound and around, using a Regen Lab estra set. Than,
covering it, with coagulated fibrinogen rich plasma, protected with a waterproof isolated wet bandage. The
bandage stays 3 to 4 days, and neutral wet bandages are following.
The results were impressive, 100 % of the patients had very good and quick evolution. Any kind of complicated
vein ulcers or arterial ulcers, with or without sclerosis, diabetes, or infection, found a quick solution.
The treatment was perfectly working for burns also.
More interesting is the evolution of all the patients care between 2008 and 2014, no one had a relapsing wound.
The statistics are usually for diabetic patients, 15 to 60 % relapses. Our patients group, became no one.
Most of the wound healing were cared in a time of 3 months, and received 2 to 3 treatments.
Comparing the fees of diabetic ulcers and neuropathy is very interesting because those are giving us a real
reason to go further.
An diabetic ulcer, has a price to pay between 10000 to 25000 Euros, because of the time to care in hospital.
In Germany 6,6 % of the population get a diabetes disease and almost 7 % get a foot complication with open
chronic wound healing .
15 % are getting a relapse and after that one, 15 % are getting an amputation. 60% will die before 5 years.
The price of an amputation is around 32000 Euros; the biologic price for patients is huge, destroying their
autonomy and their live and mind.
For Germany the annual price to pay for that pathology is around 15 billions Euros and for France is around
10 billions.
We spent 1000 to 2000 Euros per patient to care, almost 10 % of the classic price. We had no relapses, and no
amputation between 2008 and 2014, for our 50 patient’s team.